An Inside Story on how industry expertise and consistent learning helped the delivery unit to support manufacturing leaders with actionable insights.
The Manufacturing Delivery Unit at Feedback Insights has a bunch of perpetual learners. They are a team headed by Kaarthik Swaminathan that navigates manufacturing majors to success. Be it Tata, Godrej Group, or any other legends, Kaarthik’s team has a clear view of the stakeholder listening needs. Together, they have delivered about 50+ market research studies in the last year. Meet the team that helps its customers make impactful business decisions.
A Fine Blend of Expertise and Energy
Kaarthik has spent more than a decade in market-based consulting and data analysis and leads a team that delivers growth-driven insights for our manufacturing customers.
He is supported by Raja Sattanathan, market-based research and consulting expert, Shaurya Pandey, a core analyst, Nisha Singh, Arpita Patra, and Happy Sharma, research consultants with an eye for detail. They have supported clients through custom research studies, branding, and customer experience studies. Manufacturing is a vast and complex industry with differing nuances across sectors. What helps this team navigate this range of business context is the reliance on each one’s expertise, dedicated approaches, diligent teamwork, and Kaarthik’s calm-in-the-storm outlook.
Walking on a Rough Terrain
The delivery unit works with businesses having a rich history, work structures, and processes. Some of them are now working on making the digital move. These include infrastructure companies, automotive components, and electronic device manufacturers, amongst many others. Most of them have been associated with Feedback Insights for decades. The industry is going through a tide of changes, influenced by the pandemic, supply chain challenges, and a shift in customer expectations. The team has the skills and knowledge. Yet, some challenges make the team walk on rough terrain.
Knowing the Changes, Challenges, and Business Context
Creating accurate research studies requires a deep understanding of every factor influencing business from different perspectives. It includes knowing the overall business context, including the end goal, decision-making teams, and the impact of each solution in the long term.
Adoption of Technology
The slow adoption rate of technology has been one of the biggest challenges of working with manufacturing corporations, especially during the pandemic. Switching to virtual/online surveys was not an easy task for most proprietor-led businesses. The team has to win customers’ confidence and assure optimal output.
Creating a 360-degree View of the Customers
Legacy businesses often have well-set processes, defined organizational structures, and a distinct way of doing business. It is critical for the delivery team to analyze actionable insights considering diverse views across stakeholders. Taking multiple perspectives into account is crucial for developing impactful insights for an optimal customer experience.
Leading the Manufacturing Legacies to Success
All of this is worth the effort when some of the largest manufacturing enterprises acknowledge the research studies and the deep analysis that Feedback Insights created with persistence and dedication.

The delivery unit has many accomplishments to their credits. Some of the notable ones are:
● The team’s study-based intelligence and analysis won a client the Deming Award. The study was designed based on the client’s specific needs.
● Actionable insights from a complex stakeholder study with 9,500+ respondents representing segments ranging from automotive to retail to evaluate customer experience, branding, and future customer expectations for a large infrastructure major. The leaders of the enterprise appreciated the team’s deep understanding of the business that was infused into the well-presented insights.
The teams consistently upgrade their skills and learn about various industries to address the challenges and bring in a good mix of market-based consulting and data analysis. Cheers to the continuous growth and vision that led manufacturing leaders to success.